Can you spot the hidden dog? Only those with ‘sniper vision’ can find it
The viral image, posted in the popular Reddit thread ‘FindTheSniper,’ challenges viewers to locate a cleverly concealed spaniel hidden in plain sight among a tangle of tree branches.
At first glance, the image looks like nothing more than a chaotic mess of branches, but don’t be fooled — there’s a dog lurking somewhere in the frame! The challenge? Spotting it without losing your sanity.

Reddit users have been left baffled by the puzzle, with many admitting they couldn’t see the hidden pooch even after getting hints.
“I was convinced there was no dog in this picture. Had to double-check the original post to make sure I wasn’t being trolled,” one frustrated user confessed.
Another person admitted defeat, saying, “I needed help with this one—way harder than I expected!”
So, what’s the trick to solving this illusion? Experts suggest starting at the center of the image and scanning outward. If you’re still stuck, focus your gaze slightly to the left—there, nestled among the branches, is a brown spaniel blending perfectly into its surroundings.
Think you have sharp eyes? Give it a try and see if you can spot the hidden dog before your friends do!