Why was Eminem so SHOOK by Gaga?

First at the 2009 vmas when she asked him to hold her award as she thanked God and the gays

then in 2011, when he dissed her in a song (“ell Lady Gaga she can quit her job at the post office / She’s still a male lady” wouldnt **** her with a ****”), he SCRAMBLED to come up with a reason for dissing her when asked about it

“I think Lady Gaga… as an artist – you know – uh.. her talent.. she’s undeniable. that was one of them things where… *deep gulp*  sometimes I get- uh – uh… a joke in my head? and I kinda wanna share it with the world? so u’know, it was just one of them things.. it was all in good fun – it’s hip hop – u know. but as far as the artist, she’s dope. she’s an incredible talent, so… *cowers and pretends to have to cough*”

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